17:37 & 25.06.03
Baby you're all that I want, when you're lying here in my arms...

It's so hard to write an entry on here sometimes since my room has now been converted into the official dayroom. Geez, I have never seen so many people just make themselves at home in my room. I have never seen so many people just walk in and out like they were visiting a friend. I guess I like the company, but sometimes I just want everyone to go away. Most of the people that visit either: a.) are friends of my roommate ((which also get along with me which is a plus)) b.) want to use the computer c.) want me to go out and smoke with them. Everyone comes and visits this room! I can't ever get privacy sometimes. I just wanted to sit down and write a simple PRIVATE diary entry, but I can't when someone is breathing down my neck.

I just got asked by a straight guy if I wanted to get drunk with him and play "grab ass"...is that normal? He was pretty cute though, but I'm pretty sure he's as straight as an arrow. He dissed me because I don't have any porn on DVD AND I was listening to Madonna. ((Big NO-NO in the straight guy community.)) Oh well, his loss. *smile*

I passed my test today so I am now officially in Block 3 of my classes. We're already taking the test tomorrow and I don't even think I'm going to study hall. Most of the notes are self explanatory and we're going to review it up the butt, so I SHOULD be good. I've made it this far, it just gets easier, I think. I still have a few more months to go unfortunately. I want to get out of this PO-DUNK town!


I talked to Lance last night. I couldn't believe my ears when I picked up the phone and groggily said hello. I was on my way to dreamy town when he called. I didn't even recognize the voice at first becuase I haven't talked to him in so long. We had the most awesome conversation and I can honestly say that he seems to be the only friend that seems interested in what I have been up to since I joined the Air Force. I talked to him for a good hour and I did most of the talking. He wanted to know everything! Basic Training, what I thought about it, Tech School, how I was doing, if I had told anyone about me, when I was coming home, where I'm going next, everything! He was so proud of me and it made me feel all funny inside. He also said some sweet things and my heart began to pound faster and faster everytime he said something. By hearing his voice and talking to him, I began to realize how much of crush I've always had on him. I never once thought he could be interested in me, but the things he says just touch me in places I haven't been touched in such a long while. I almost started crying because I wanted him right there with me. I begged him to come visit me, but he's pretty busy with his life. I can't wait to see him and hang out with him again. I still have the major jones for him...and maybe I can get some action.

It was kind of weird that he called when he did because I was thinking of the first time we ever kissed right when the phone rang...talk about ironic...I think he's going to call back soon cause I told him there was a lot I wanted to talk to him about, but I couldn't cause my roommate was right there in the room. I'm sure he knows about me, but he's just been very good at keeping his mouth shut...for now.

forget the past <----> there is no future

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open up
The current mood of nbdycares at www.imood.com